The End Is The Beginning Is The End  

Posted by: Audrey in

I find myself liking that title very much...even though I've never heard the song before. Wanted something that would sort of summarize what this post is about, and even when I tried playing around with the words, it didn't sound right until I Googled and voila! Google was and will always be my best friend...aside from Scottie ;)

Anyways, long story short...I have finally found a new 'path' for my career, if I can say what I'm doing now is a career! I have handed in my notice, and all seems to be smooth sailing without any fuss to my surprise. I have expected something very bad seeing some of my colleagues had to endure some very harsh comments and what not during their last few days in the company, but it hasn't happen. Yet. Yeah, it's probably bad of me to think the worse of my bosses, but I guess it's some sort of a blessing in disguise. MAYBE I could leave on (sort of) good terms with the company....or it could be that I'm insignificant enough to warrant a bashing from the big guns for leaving (which is a good thing too, IMO). LOL! 

Anyways, I still have about a week or so before I finish my tenure at my current company and I have a short period of break before I venture into 'new territory', so to speak. Hopefully it will be a good experience...keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best :) But I will definitely be missing all the good camaraderie with the colleagues and all...we'll still keep in touch, I hope! 

Feel so bad for not updating my blogs more often...Scottie's has been collecting dust! >.<" And my baking has taken a back seat too...what's gotten in to me??! The only other thing that's gotten me a bit excited is the fitness / dance / workout program that I'm considering to join...I realized that everybody in the new office are pretty and slim. *sigh* Sucker for conformation I know, but I also realized I've been ballooning in weight so much recently it's scaring me. Need to push and force myself to get some form of exercise so I don't keep putting on weight. I wondered though...if I push hard enough, might I even lose some weight? I dare not keep my hopes that high just yet...who knows, I might back out at the last minute. Eep!