I'm (Still) Alive...  

Posted by: Audrey in

LOL! I know...what a title, right? *rolls eyes* But in essence, I guess it is sort of true...been away from blogging so long I've been procrastinating to do it forever! And I know the first step is always the hardest, so here's my first step back into blogging. Keeping my fingers (& toes) crossed that I continue on this momentum...

What's happened these past few months...gosh, there are numerous things! I shall attempt to condense them down...in bullet points. LOL! For the more interesting ones, maybe I'll do more detailed posts on it. Heh! So, here goes:

  • Top of my head is the training trip to the Netherlands...by gosh, I LOVE that place! Actually, I think I love Europe in general...*grins* The weather, the buildings, the nice people (well, the ones I've met anyways! I've heard stories from my other colleagues' about their not-so-nice experiences with people in Europe, but mine was fantastic!). Sigh...wish I could actually, like, live there or something. Heh! But yeah...coming back down to Earth, it was an AMAZING experience! I spent a couple of days in Paris (YAYY!!) before heading to Delft in the Netherlands for training. Both places were just breath-taking. I did take some photos while I was there...heck, I shall relive those days in my coming posts! So...stay tuned! hehe!
  • Work has been great as well...I think I'm settling into the groove of things quite well =) Colleagues are nice, and job scope is quite interesting so far. One thing I really like about the company is the (sort of) 'extra curricular' activities. There's always events like team lunches, or birthday celebrations, etc. One time we had a company 'Olympics' as well where we formed teams to compete in certain games like table tennis, laser tag, and futsal. So much fun! I've also joined the Toastmasters' club here...so cool! Maybe I'll do another post on that too. My first assignment speech experience was quite surreal. LOL! Oh, and I should also mention that I was asked to be one of the emcees for the annual dinner this Friday. Eep! Wish me luck! *crosses fingers*
  • Workouts-wise, I've been attending boot camp quite regularly since August. Been also starting to get back into logging what I eat and cutting down portions when I remember to. Have yet to see any significant weight loss, but I definitely feel better =) I missed out on the Adidas King of The Road run though...my flight back from the Netherlands was late, so I didn't manage to do. Sigh...oh well, next year then! I shall train for more runs till then *grins*
  • I finished the other 2 basic cake decorating classes that I signed up for recently, and also attended yet another course...on wedding cakes! Heh! I think I will also do another post on that as well. *grins* The classes were kind of intense, but also dastardly fun! Makes me want to keep taking classes...but alas, they do not come cheap =( Plus, the tools are so expensive as well...eep! Oh well, maybe if I could sell more cakes and cookies, I could just save enough for more classes =) Which brings me to my next point...
  • Recently, I've been given suggestions by friends and family about really pushing and trying to sell more of the cakes and pastries that I'm making. I've always never given it much thought before...to me, it's more of a hobby, and most of the time I just sell them to friends who order if they needed something (to cover my costs) and to sort of 'practice' since my family is kind of getting sick of what I make too much =P But, after going to classes, I found that if I could sell more of these cakes and pastries, I could save more for classes to improve my skills and get better equipment like a bigger oven, more decorating tools. At the same time, with more orders, I get to implement the techniques learned in class...and I won't waste cake! So, been thinking more about this, but I have yet to actually jump into this yet. As you can see, I'm very scared about this...I can't really say I'm starting my own business because I don't know if it'll ever take off or it's just a phase I'm going through, but yeah...I will need to look more into the logistics and what not. Fingers crossed that I'll pull through =)

So yeah...that's sort of the gist of what's happened these past few months. As I've noticed, I have lots to back track and reminisce on...hehe! So, stay tuned...I'm coming back for more...this time, with more photos! Heh!