My New Gadget 'Baby'!  

Posted by: Audrey in

Whoa, can't believe I've neglected the blog again...>.<" Many things have happened since my last rant: I have more rants because the project is STILL underway and I can't understand why the module I'm involved in kept changing their requirements; watched quite a few movies (will post my thoughts on in very soon!); went to quite a nice place to eat (will also post on that!)...but my biggest, BEST thing that happened so far was this:

 Yes, I FINALLY went and got myself a new phone...a black, 32GB iPhone 3GS! *squeals* It's DEFINITELY one of the best phones I've got so far! Costed me an arm (literally -- remember my fall? I got reimbursed for my medical bills and a bit more...not that I fell on purpose, but you get the idea) and a leg (figuratively), but it's VERY nice indeed! 

That wasn't a photo of how my phone looked like though...I changed the wallpaper and had more applications than those measly few (heh!) but it worked REALLY fast and was really responsive! Apps load quite quickly and I have to say I spent quite a bit of time toying and playing with the apps I managed to and other cool stuff! YAYY! The iPod part of the phone was really nice's about the same as my old iPod Nano, but it's all in my phone *grins* So I don't have to bring another iPod everywhere...heh! 

I guess there's loads to rave about the phone (probably because I am already a fan of the iPhone..LOL!) so I won't bore you with it. Suffice to say I absolutely LOVED it, and even though I'm dead broke for the whole month after I bought it, I had no regrets...*grins* It satisfied what I wanted in a phone and more! True, it's not a real 'smartphone' for business and stuff, but I'm not doing big businesses anyways so it wasn't a big deal for me =)

The only 'gripe' I had with the phone was that the battery gets used up a bit too fast...normally on my old phones, one full charge could probably last me about 2-3 days of SMS, calls and occasionally some games. But one full charge of the iPhone could only last about 1 day o.O" Okay, maybe it's coz I've been playing on it a lot, but I hope if they do have an upgrade next time, it would be upgrading the usage of the battery. Not that I intend to change phones again so soon after I just bought it (I'm seriously hoping that it would last me at least a year or three of usage! All my old phones never costed this much, and yet had lasted for at least 2-3 years of usage! It would be SEVERELY heartbreaking if I couldn't use this phone anymore after only 6 months or so *crosses fingers*)

Yup, that's about it for editing the photos of the dinner I had recently. Will post that ASAP!

Hypocrisy Much?  

Posted by: Audrey in

Hmmph...I'm posting this in my office. At lunch time. On a Saturday.

Just to clarify, my working days are only 5 days a week, but due to some apparent 'big' project, I was roped in to 'volunteer and help out' with some simple UI designs. Because of the 'urgency' of the project, the whole team was supposed to finish the whole thing within....2 weeks! Hence, we have to work at least 12 hours everyday, almost 6 days a week, including public holidays. The catch? We didn't get any OT or actually, NO extra benefits whatsoever.

GAH! Can you say 'STUPID' or moronic, or whatever colorful word you can think of??! I think it's a real big mistake on the big person up there (management) to simply promise a client that we can get it done within that ridiculous time frame. Not just that, since we have this apparent 'separation' of the should be handled by that particular subsidiary only. BUT, a lot of the team that was involved in this project (including me) are actually NOT from that subsidiary. Yet, we have to go through this horrendous bitchfest and stress like the rest of them. And if (that's a REALLY big IF) we can get it done, guess who gets all the credit? Yup, THAT subsidiary only...

What really got me pissed was that it was clearly stated that the people who are doing the UI(me included) would be doing the forms and some simple validations ONLY. And yet, when it came to my particular module, I find myself scratching my head and thinking about how to do Javascript for dropdown values that SHOULD be in the database, or passing values from one page to another using Javascript. GAH! Thank goodness it was all resolved. But I'm still pissed though...working on a Saturday with no benefits really grits on my nerves. I think the only thing that keeps me going now is that my contract will be ending next March (which is a few months more only) so...I'm holding on to that thought for now.

'Kay, done ranting...apparently we can go. Half day at work today, because our team 'morale' is good. Pfft!