The Close of Another Year  

Posted by: Audrey in

I realize that I might not have time to post this tomorrow, so I guess I shall post this before the year ends and I'll be a year late posting this. LOL! 

These baking projects were just some that I did...there were quite a few others that I did with Justina and some other friends, but I mostly helped out so it doesn't seem right to post photos of those projects here. Anyways, here's to a better year next year =) Hopefully I'll be able to find some time to post about my resolutions and what not..

Lemon pepper cornmeal cookies (left) and chocolate chip spotties. The lemon pepper combination was quirky,  but surprisingly good! I don't know...some people may not like it, but I did =) Together with the cornmeal, the cookie has a bit of bite. Yum! The chocolate chip spotties were made for my cousin in Singapore...these were a favourite of mine during CNY when my aunt would make tins of them. I would devour them like crazy! Now I have the recipe, I tried it out and the taste is still amazing *grins* Not the prettiest kind of cookies, but all is forgiven when one bites into them!

Pumpkin pie after Thanksgiving...LOL! I had a craving to want to try out pumpkin pie recipes after seeing so many friends in the US post about Thanksgiving dinners and what not. As it turns out, pumpkin pie filling or even just sugar pumpkins are not found here in Malaysia =( So, I googled and found that butternut squash / pumpkin can be used! This was made with butternut pumpkin, and I'm glad it turned out creamy and the spices incorporated into the filling are quite heart-warming. So perfect if served with a cup of hot chocolate =)

Fruit cake! I made this about 2-3 weeks before Christmas as the recipe called for some rum / brandy to be soaked into the cake and needed to be kept for the flavors to meld. This recipe was my Mom's...I still remember how yummy it was when she made it! And it did not disappoint even now. I soaked the raisins in some rum & orange juice too the day before I made this, and I ended up using the rest of small-ish bottle of rum to soak the cake. Result? Boozy, citrus-y and jam-packed fruit cake, especially after cooled in the fridge. Mmmmm....I still have ingredients leftover. Might just make it again once these get finished. *grins*

This was quite a last minute cake that I made for my colleague's birthday....this was made just one day before her birthday celebration itself, but thank goodness the recipe was fairly easy and pain-free =) It's a chocolate brownie with some caramel in between,  frosted with some buttercream and topped with a chocolate ganache. Initially I had just wanted the ganache to just drip to the sides like a decor, but I didn't know that I needed to chill it a little so that it's a thicker consistency to pour...I ended up having to cover the whole cake with ganache. Not a pretty result =( But I DID love the flowers on top! These were super simple to make, following a tutorial from Bakingdom on how to do it...they end up being the 'saving grace' of the cake =)


These were the latest caveat of mine...adorable miniature cakes for my manager on her birthday. Cake was chocolate sheet cake cut into rounds and frosted with some chocolate ganache, then covered in fondant. I was super gung ho, thinking that I could finish it in a couple of days...but just in case, I asked Justina if she would be free to help me out with the decor coz she told me she wanted to try and play with fondant as well. It was a God send that she came to help, because I don't think I would have been able to accomplish this all by myself!

The initial plan was to do 15 cakes like this, but the 4 in the middle would be 'hot chocolate cupcakes' a la Diary of a Ladybird, but my mismanagement of time, humid weather on top of rain, bad decision to put the ganache-covered cakes into the fridge and poor handling of the fondant caused the cakes to sort of disintegrate from the inside out. As you can see here, some of the cakes on the right already started showing signs of melting compared to the rest. *Sigh* This was taken right after everything was done so that I have proof of what I envisioned to be....and it would be super cute if the cakes remained like this till it was cut the next day.

I LOVE this little bow ribbon. Got the inspiration from my sis' Delectable birthday cupcakes from her friends. I wanted to also follow the stitching pattern around the 'ribbons' but alas, the tacky stitch embosser tool I got was a knockoff and couldn't do the pattern at all! So we could only do this....

Others were little rose buds with leaves....They're the cutest thing I've ever tried so far!

The final result....this was done barely 2 hours before I rushed off to work. I had lost 5 cakes to the melting, so took them off and made some quick fondant letters to personalize the cakes a little and to cover the huge spaces. Even then, some of the remaining cakes were already showing signs of melting yet again =( Luckily, Susan didn't mind that much...she told me it looked cute, so that's ok I guess. I shall attempt to do much better next time...found some techniques to cover fondant that seemed to work for the last few cakes (they held up well compared to the others!) so was thinking of trying it soon =) Hopefully there'll be more chances to play with fondant soon!

That's about it for this year I guess...lots of ups and downs. I love roller coasters, but having a roller coaster life is not all that fun. Still, c'est la vie, no? Happy New Year to you who is reading this (if there is anybody out there reading this!), and may the new year bring you blessings, joy and happiness!


Posted by: Audrey in

To pine (verb) - to yearn deeply; suffer with longing; long painfully

I think I finally understood what was it that made my head & heart ache so much. This initially was meant for my eyes only, but I realized Blogger has no function to make single posts private. Still, I figured...I don't have that many readers anyways, and if that someone reads this...well, things have already been awkward already, and I don't think it'll change anything since it was over and he's moved on. So what the heck.

Yes, it was a boy...a boy that I didn't realize that I had feelings for for so long. It kinda felt like ages and eons ago that the relationship ended, but looking back, it's only been a few months. And I'm still nursing this hurt for some reason. A friend wondered if girls like us, who hardly ever gets the guy, hang on that much harder compared to those who have it good and very often...I find this ever so true. To make it 'worse', this was my first relationship and yes, it cut way deeper than I thought.

I remembered that he asked me once if I had said 'yes' to dating him because he was the first one to ask me, or if it's because I do like him. I failed in telling him because a) I was not used to being asked things like this; and b) I am not the girl that wears her heart on her sleeve. Opening up always have a negative effect for me, so I always chose not to reveal too much. To be really honest, I initially wanted to say 'no'. Not because I don't like him, but I really enjoyed being friends with him. Saying 'yes' would mean ruining that friendship, but I figured if he could take that chance and ask, why couldn't I say yes? He has been nothing but nice to me, can talk the ears off anybody (which I like even though I'm quiet as heck), can be sarcastic (which I like because very few people gets sarcasm these days) and an overall good guy. True, he's not perfect but who am I to complain? I'm leagues away from being anywhere close to perfect.

Thinking back, I had wanted to ask something along the same lines too but I was too chicken to ask: Was the reason that he asked me out because he really liked me for who I am, or was it because I had taken the effort to make myself 'pretty'. Not that I'm near pretty or whatever but we had known each other for a few years already and when I first met him, I was overweight, had acne all over my face and I just can't be bothered with how I looked because let's face it...who would want to look at me? It was only the past year that I realized I needed a change for myself and I started working out, watched my diet, trying on make up to hide the hideous acne and finding that hey, I don't look THAT bad anymore. His previous girlfriends have always been quite pretty so it came as a big surprise that he would ask. I don't think I'll ever know the answer to this...but in a way, I guess it's ok too. I might not like what I would hear, so what you don't know sometimes is better.

When he chose to end the relationship, it got me thinking about whether it was me. I know everybody will always say the infamous line, "it's not what you did or about you..." but I can't shake off the feeling that it is. I had been speculating so much about it last time: could it be me being too 'clingy' by pestering him to talk about what's bothering him; was it because I said 'yes' to being his girlfriend too soon, making me someone who is too 'easy' to get...loads and loads. Again, I don't think I'll ever know, so it's quite pointless to keep speculating and giving myself more heartache when the other person didn't even give you much thought.

I had initially thought (and somehow believed) that OK, it's over but we could still be friends....seeing that it had never really gotten THAT deep and it's only been a few weeks that we had been together. It is only now that I realized I have been so naive and kinda pathetic that it could be the way it used to be before all this. He was a good friend...probably the closest guy friend I've ever had. I guess this was what made it even harder...losing a good friendship that has been built over a few years just because there were some 'complications'. And it is true that, even though we try to remain friends...things are never really the same. I don't really feel as comfortable being just a friend with him compared to last time...and yet, I pressed on thinking I can get over this.

Sis told me it's quite useless to stay friends, saying that it'll give me false hopes that he will be back...I told her I never expected for him to come back, and at that time I believed it to be true. Now, it's like I'm lying to myself....who am I kidding? If I am so over this, why am I still feeling shitty every now and then for no reason? Why do I feel like I'm always so hopeless and thinking about whether it was me who made the relationship fail? It always hit me hardest whenever I go out and see couples holding hands and chatting away happily....*sigh* You know, it's like...if you've never experienced it before, it doesn't affect you that much because you've never known what it feels like. But when you HAVE, and it's lost...that feeling just sucks balls.

I know he'll probably never read this...but yes, I find I still do have feelings for him. Not that it'll make any difference since I've found out that he's moved on. I wish him all the's really the only thing I could do. And I'll let this hurt wash over...till it gets numb. Listening to the "Wicked" soundtrack so many times now, that I identify so much with Elphaba...the girl who is so different and misunderstood, who loves a boy who she feels won't ever love her back. "He could be that boy; but I'm not that girl," she sings...and that rings true. For Elphaba, it worked out in the end but I don't expect the same will ever happen. So, this is just for the comfort of myself to be able to let it out, and (hopefully) let it go. There was this 'assignment' thing from Oprah's new let go of things that hurt us, or if we couldn't just yet, at least make the decision to let go. So this is my let go of the hurt and move on. I don't know when it will finally happen, but I've learnt that the mind responds to repetition. So, hopefully by the time I've told myself enough times that I need to let go, this wonky brain of mine will finally let it go and just let the memories be memories without all the pain attached to it.

Kinda ironic that the last few days of the year got me so sad when I see so many people having high hopes and dreams for the coming year. Well, since this is my post to decide to let go, I shall make the decision to let this year be put behind and wipe the slate clean.  =) I've had my '5 minutes' of wallowing in this blog post as Morrie puts it, so I'll be posting more happy things in my next post. Been making myself so busy that it's a way, it helps with the pain by not thinking about it. Baking helps me too...and I'm so grateful for the projects that came my way when I needed the time off from the emo-crazy shit that I was going through. Next post will be about my projects...they keep getting bigger *wink* Stay tuned!

In The Mood....  

Posted by: Audrey in

...for nothing really. I've no idea what came into me. It was all "I'm good, I can do this" with quite a few projects at work and hobbies to occupy me and my fickle mind. All of a sudden, BAM! A wash of just 'weird-ness' (the best I could describe it) overcame me and now I'm in the worst mood ever. Darn. 

I've been meaning to post some more baking stuff that I did, some future ones that I'd planned, and even my trip to Singapore. Before this, my excuse was that I was too busy to sit down and organize my photos and thoughts. But now, I guess the posts will have to wait till this 'thing' goes over. Could it be the holiday mood? If it is, it kinda sucks....WTF. Festive seasons are supposed to bring cheer, happiness and joy! Dang this brain of mine.

The really weird thing about this feeling is that I'm neither sad, angry, nor anxious. It's just really really uncomfortable and I can't shake it off. Even with my tried and true method, it seems to be failing. *sigh* I'm hoping this will wear off soon coz it's giving me kind of a heart / headache. Now I'm wondering if it's something that someone said to me or someone did to me....=\ 

I used to be good at pinpointing these feelings...when I do, I let it just wash over me -  pain and all - and it just subsides after a while. That could be days or weeks....but this kinda scares me a little! Sometimes I wish I could shut this off for a while so I could have peace but who am I kidding right?

Okay, babbling time's over...think I need to sleep this out. Fingers crossed and hoping that things will turn out better tomorrow...I need myself back!

Angry Birds Are A-Chirping  

Posted by: Audrey in

YES! My biggest project so far completed! I'm quite proud of myself that I managed to get this done, so please allow me this post for some gloating (even though the result is kinda nowhere near the perfection of other food bloggers!)

The collage that I made using the PicStitch app...heh! Yup, it's an Angry Birds fest =P Let's see some close ups. LOL!

View from the top. This was a birthday cake requested by my manager for her son's first birthday. Initially, she wanted a playable Angry Birds cake (wouldn't that be a super fun project??!!), but she was worried that the cake would be umm...'too destroyed' by the time the kids were done with it, so she decided on a normal cake with the characters on it.

Excuse the horrible background. Table was messy. LOL! The initial plan was to have a cake similar to THIS design. But I forgot to print out the photo as I was decorating the cake (laptop was in the office) and I figured, oh what the heck, I'll just wing it. Ended up like this. LOL! 

 Okay, this was SLIGHTLY better. LOL! Anyhoot, as you can see I totally, TOTALLY botched the 'grassy' parts. Never occurred to me to pipe small blades of grass. Pfft! But what's done is done...and my sis commented that it looked like MOSS growing instead of grass. Wahahahahaha!

Some close ups on the fondant pieces....these were my first foray into playing with fondant. The first half an hour or so, I got so frustrated into just coloring the fondant and shaping the pieces into balls and triangles! But after a while, once I got the hang of how the fondant feels and works, the pieces came together quite quickly...sort of. Does 4 hours count as long to make these 10 pieces of birds, pigs and stones? =P Anyways, the birds were the harder ones to make. I think the most challenging one is the yellow one here. Shaping it into a pyramid-like shape was a nightmare! But I liked how it turned out much so I made TWO! =P

 Frosting a cake is SUPER hard....especially a square cake, as I'm told. Maybe I'm consoling myself, but frosting skills DEFINITELY needs work, coz I can't seem to get it to be level enough. =/ The cream is actually whipped cream....and I finally got to use the whisk attachment on my KitchenAid! Super super cool coz it whipped up the cream in minutes!  

Ooh yes...the little 'nests' are made out of mini pretzels stuck together with a bit of cookie icing. The initial plan was to use pretzel sticks, but I couldn't find them at the Cold Storage that I went to =/ So I just bought the mini pretzels, cut them up and stuck them together. =P Less than perfect-loooking nest, but it did hold up the 'eggs' (which are chocolate raisins...I underestimated the size. Should have used jelly beans instead!) so all's good I guess.

Three little piggies sat on a rock....LOL! They kinda SUNK into the rock frosting coz they were too heavy! (Go figure! LOL!) So much so, at some angles, it'll look like they have EMERGED from the rock or was part of the rock! LOLLL! These piggies were the easier ones to make...quite fun to make too! Ooh, I have to mention that the rock is made out of cake too =) I had to crumble the cake and shape it like a rock a la Cake Pops, and the put brown whipped cream on top. Halfway through decorating, I realized I had no brown food coloring...o.O" The shops were closed, and I had to deliver this the next I improvised by mixing colors. Black, red and some point I thought it would never become brown, but thank goodness it did =) 

I know...could have used cocoa powder right? I DID! But it didn't turn out...hence the frantic mixing of colors and hoping they turn brown. LOL!

Last photo, I promise! Yes, the one on the left is intentionally left on its side. My sis, the ever creative one, says that the placement of the pieces made everything look too symmetrical and perfect and she dropped this one on the side to simulate that it's been plopped over by another bird a la the game. 

Yup, so there is my biggest birthday cake venture yet. Hoping to get more projects like these so I can try out more techniques...=) Any takers? I don't charge expensive...just that I hope you don't mind the amateur-ish feel to the cakes. Heh! 

Cookie Monster Never Had This Good....  

Posted by: Audrey in

This will just be a short post since I'm a bit preoccupied with work and more 'projects' at home...hehe! The cookie craze is still on, so here are photos of my projects (some are done quite a few weeks ago...I know. Lazy me!)

I am liking this PicStitch app on my phone that allows us to edit the photos before 'stitching' them up into collages like this! Kinda like having a mini Photoshop in my phone. *grins* These are cookies from my recent surge of 'creativity' (should be read as 'inspired to try out the designs made by other cookie bloggers'!). Cherries on a polka dot background, some marbling and even some dabbling with drawing using an edible ink pen...Heh!

The "Love" series...I liked how the marbling turns out this time around. Piping still needs work though. Think it's also the consistency of the icing (made it a bit too runny so it doesn't hold its shape well). That 'film negative' effect is quite nice I think...

These were from a recent baking spree with Justina, a good friend of mine who also loves to bake....we had time to spare while waiting for some raisin cookies to bake, so we decorated these cookies that I brought from home. Inspired by some 'cute face' cupcakes that we saw online, we tried to replicate that. Hehe! Oh, and I wanted to try to make some curlicue like the ones on the Hostess Cupcake, hence the black cookie at the bottom of the pic...a little fail. LOL! Which reminds me that I wanted to try out that recipe...hmmm *grins*

Sis got the 'baking bug' too...only she wants to play with the icing instead of baking the cookies. LOL! So, I made up a batch of cookies, and she drew on the outlines using an edible ink pen before we decorated with icing (No way I can freehand ice these. Hands still too shaky!). Aren't they the cutest??! I think these characters are called Mr. Men and Little Miss, amongst some other cute fave was the ~Meow~ and Woodstock!

And last but not least, the easiest batch of cookies 'iced'. LOL! I found these pre-printed icing pieces while looking for references to Angry Birds for an order (more on that in my next post), so I thought of trying them with cookies....easy peasy! Just slap on some icing and stick the pieces on, and you're done! I piped a little border on the side just to make it like it adhered more...simple, and so pretty! Now I'm wondering if the people who prints these do custom-made printing....imagine the things we could do with these! Hehehe!

Yup, that's all from me at the moment...more to come, I promise! I'm attempting something bigger than I've ever done so far...wish me luck!

Baking Projects Galore!  

Posted by: Audrey in

I've been bitten by the baking bug hard! LOL! This time around though I've been a bit more... obsessed with sugar cookies! 

Yes, it all started with the Halloween cookies...probably coz I was pressed for time and what not, it was painful for me. And that's just the test run cookies!!!  The real deal was actually for my neighbor, who wanted sugar cookies as her baby's full moon gift for her students. She showed me a photo of a design that she'd like from another blogger who made LOVELY cookie, and asked me if I could replicate that. I told her I'd certainly try but I can't guarantee that I would be able to make the exact same thing. But put to work I did, and while I'm still not satisfied with my 'handiwork', she loved it =) 

Yup, she wanted baby face for her baby girl. I made Annie's Eats sugar cookies and used I Am Baker's lovely glaze icing for decoration. Loved the taste of the cookies! Again, can't say much about my 'drawing skills'. My hands are not that steady using a piping bag to draw on a cookie, and while the photo looks okay, I still think I need loads of work =P

 The packaged cookies...I heart the pink ribbons with it. Usually I'm not a pink person but the pastel pink is cute =)

My next 'project' was also another order from a friend. After I'd posted a photo of the baby face cookies on my Facebook, she commented that she would like to order my sugar cookies! Previously, she'd tasted the cookies at the Halloween party and she told me she loved them (YAYY!). At first I thought she was joking...I DID have another batch of cookie dough that I'd thought of just playing around with the icing, so I jokingly told her I could have the cookies ready in a day or two if she's interested. And she said YES! was so cool that I had another sale! A few PMs over FB later, I ended up with these:

 It's for Hari Raya Haji, and she wanted to share the cookies with her family who's coming to her place to celebrate =) Initially I had thought about just using a crescent and star cutter to make different shapes, but I couldn't find a crescent cutter in time, so I just made these. Played with some sanding sugar too...silly old me didn't know how to use it and I almost botched the cookies making the sugar part in the same layer as the background! The shapes were not visible at all, given that it's yellow and to try and 'save' them, I outlined the shapes again after the icing had dried. Thank goodness they came out alright! 

 As you can see, the drawings still need work, but I found out that the consistency of the icing also helps with the drawing. Previously I had made the outline icing a little too hard, making it so difficult to pipe (and I almost got carpal tunnel from all that squeezing! Eep!) so the second time around, I tried making it SLIGHTLY more liquid-y, and it worked! 

Hahahaha...this was some leftover cookie dough and glaze icing. It looked like a skull when it came out from the oven, so I tried to make it look like one. Fail! LOLL! =P

Further inspired, I made these chocolate sugar cookies. I didn't have my usual gel food coloring, so I used a water base food coloring...boy, did it ever look weird! As you can see, they didn't cover the chocolate cookie base well. *sigh* Quality never does come cheap, IMHO. Cheap food coloring = bad coloring results.

I am still rather determined to make these work though, so I managed to get some red food coloring from my aunt (who also makes cakes for sale) and have made some more dough to be baked. *grins* Meantime, I had stalked I Am Baker's lovely designs and am very very inspired to try them out and practice my icing....hehe! These two sales got me hooked! Not sure if there will still be more sales from here on out, but I DO find that I like decorating cookies...even though it is time-consuming and all, if I can get the end result SOMEWHAT similar to the original ones, it's a great achievement for me coz I'm still a noob at this. Hopefully with more practice I'll be better *crosses fingers* Will post more photos of my 'practice cookies' next time!

KitchenAid 'Review'  

Posted by: Audrey in

Okay, this won't be much of a review, seeing that I've been such a big fan of KitchenAid products for some time now, and I haven't been baking much too since I've gotten it (which is REALLY ironic, since the reason I got the KitchenAid was for baking. LOL!). It's been more than a month and sadly, I've only used it for maybe 3-4 times....*sigh*

Oh's to hoping I get more free time (or I'll be able to make time more likely!) to bake more. *crosses fingers* Now, on to the review...I didn't take any photos of the real thing, since there are already such PRETTY photos of them everywhere. My cameras can't capture the glitter off the mixer, and usually when I take photos, it's already night time so lighting is really bad. But suffice to say that the real thing really does look like the photos =)

While it is shiny and pretty sitting on a tabletop, I have to say it's friggin' HEAVY! The machine weighs a few kg and gives quite a good 'workout' when I have to take it out to use  =P (Due to space constraints, I had no choice but to move the mixer around every time I need to bake...need bigger kitchen!) But since it is a powerful tool that's originally built for industrial use, I suppose the weight is justified because the performance is incredible! 

I've only used it for making test runs of sugar cookies so far (for my neighbor who ordered some for her baby shower), so I have yet to try it on other kinds of ingredients. Still, judging on how well it went for making the cookie dough, I would say it'll probably be the same result *grins* Usually what takes me more than a few minutes to cream the butter and sugar on my old mixer, now only requires 1-2 minutes on the KitchenAid. I LOVE the paddle versatile and powerful! Can't wait to see how the whisk attachment fares...makes me want to make a lemon meringue pie JUST to beat the heck out of those egg whites. LOL!

Anyways, I love how it cuts the mixing time in half, and mixing is quite fun since I get to play around with it. Still need to get the hang out of using the huge mixing bowl, having to stop the machine and lift up the head in order to add other ingredients, and getting used to the different speeds. Will post more photos of the baking projects next time, but here are the photos of the sugar cookies I made =) 

Although these were supposed to be 'test run' cookies, I decorated them for a Halloween party that I attended last week. Really tested my patience as I realized decorating cookies can be SO tedious and a pain. LOL! I DID like the effect of the spider web though, but will need to improve on outlining and flooding the decorations as some overflowed and the colors bled into each other....ewww. But I got good reviews from the people who tasted it, so the cookie recipe (as well as the faux royal icing recipe) is a keeper! The undecorated cookies kept really well in an air-tight container, and actually tasted BETTER after a couple of days! Still, I'm not too sure if I want to do this too much. I've only decorated 20+ cookies this time around, and it got me frustrated already....LOL! Really admire the people who sell cookies for a living...the amount of decoration and work! OMG! Well, we'll see...this is only my first 'sale'. Let's see how it goes next *wink*

Itching to bake other stuff so I can fully see the extent of this gorgeous machine, but I needs time...LOL! Can't believe I'm saying this, but CAN THERE BE MORE THAN 24 HOURS IN A DAY? =P

~ Funnest Weekend Yet ~  

Posted by: Audrey in

Yup, last weekend was definitely one that I had the most fun at so far! Was fortunate enough to be able to get tickets to "The Secret Life of Nora", "In Perfect Harmony" as well as "Short + Sweet Dance: Week 2"....yes, 3 different shows in the span of two days! I went for "The Secret Life Of Nora" on Friday evening (had a blast!); and on Saturday, it was "In Perfect Harmony" for the matinee show, followed by "Short + Sweet" in the evening! All were lovely, great, amazing, breath-taking, confusing at times, and funny...yes, all in one go. *wink* Needless to say, I've enjoyed every single bit of it...good and bad alike! Reviews on the shows will be up on the other blog ASAP =) 

It's times like these that I feel, least there's something that I can enjoy and be happy about instead of just work, work, work, mope or be emo. These last few months of the year I've been hearing about quite a number of shows that I'm so interested to go to...let's hope that I will be able to afford it! *crosses fingers* As of now, plans to go to "Wicked" are steadily forming, and ALMOST complete! I just need to confirm some details and I'll be able to purchase my ticket! YAYY! DEFINITELY will post about it when I get back...don't want to to jinx it or anything, so hopefully everything goes well!

Workout time at the gym is slowly getting back on track I hope...I was told that my last job for data cleansing might be the last project for the year. While this means I won't be getting extra income for the rest of the year, it would also mean that I can finally concentrate on getting back in shape for at least the next 2-3 months before the late nights and missed workout times start again next year. HOPEFULLY by then, I would have gotten some results...fingers crossed! 

Oh yes, and another FUN thing that happened was that I got an offer to write Celeb News for the company that I had been previously writing reviews for! YAYY! Got an email from them on Friday, so 'twas a very nice start to the weekend *grins* I've missed writing reviews, and am glad they've decided to let me have another go at it when they have a review coming up...together with this Celeb News thing (which is supposed to be daily articles), it'll be awesome! I'll be getting my writing bug back....YAYY! 

Here's to more great news coming till the end of the year, and many more years to come...*grins* I heart days like these!


Posted by: Audrey in

Whenever I see or hear the word "perspective", I'm always reminded of Anton Ego from "Ratatouille" and his way of saying it....super cool, ego-tistic and a bit sarcastic. Love it! Anyways, I was thinking of writing about something else, but this word kept popping in my head whenever I try to think of a title so I figured...why not? I'm kind of 'free-writing' at the moment, so forgive me if the grammar is a bit out of whack. LOL!

Let's see...perspective, perspective. There are always two different sides to the coin, different views on the matter, and as my Dad loves to quote, "We need to look at things from a helicopter view: where we see things from all perspectives / angles." And I guess there will always be people who will disagree with me on this little 'matter' (Hey, this DOES kinda tie in together...YAYY!)

I've always been kind of independent as a kid...even until now, whenever I can, I will just try and do things by myself first before going to ask someone for help. Google has definitely been my good friend since I was introduced to it in uni (LOL!) and most things I usually could 'solve' by taking some time and working it out on my own (albeit sometimes it'll be super slow, but hey I get it done. *grins*) So, I guess you could say I am comfortable being alone and all.

Just yesterday, I was chatting with a friend about our different hobbies. I told her about my fondness for musicals and my plans to go watch some of them in the near future...and the next thing she asked me was, "Who are you going with?" When I said that I usually go to these things alone, I got a shocked look followed by curiosity. "Why don't you ask other friends to go with you?" and other similar questions ensued...

Honestly, I don't know what's the big fuss about going for shows by myself...LOL! I've been to quite a few shows by myself, and have enjoyed them immensely. True, it would have been nice to have a friend to go with - especially during the waiting period before the show starts and everyone milling around the entrance are with their dates / groups and chatting, while you stand around awkwardly looking at the watch and willing for time to move faster - but during the show anyways, I wouldn't be chatting with my friend about the show and stuff like that. I'll be so engrossed it'll be like I went there alone! So yeah, there you have loner confession. =P

My friend proceeded to say that she'll never really go unless there's someone that she can 'drag' along at least...apparently she feels 'safer' knowing that there is someone that is there with her. To me, that kinda sounds like a clingy person (though I never told her so) seeing that someone will only ever do something when there's someone else accompanying him / her. That would be so hindering when one wants to try new things! True, it will be terrifying at first coz you're venturing out on your own but after a while you'll get used to it...after all, haven't we been going about things on our own since we were kids? You know, our first days in school....all the way up to uni and even in our work. Don't we all start alone somewhere? After that initial first few days, things start getting into the 'normal' groove and we feel comfortable again. I've always thought about things like this, so it's always kinda fun to try something new and most of the time I don't mind going at it alone coz not many people share the same sentiments as me.

A good example would be travelling...I've always wanted to go backpacking across countries and see the world. Don't know when that will happen (probably not in the near future!), but when I can afford it, I don't think I will find someone that will want to go on the same trip with me. And honestly, whenever I go for trips especially with a large group of people...sometimes it can be pretty annoying having to tolerate everybody's whims and fancies. When in a group, I usually go with the flow, not wanting to create tension but most of the time the things that the majority likes, I'm not really in the mood for...which kinda sucks especially when we're in a pretty cool place and I want to go 'exploring' but the rest just wants to go to the tourist-y places. Hence, my preference to want to go alone so I can just up and go wherever and whenever I want to and not be stepping on anybody's toes. At the same time, I can go and enjoy the things that I am interested in and not having to wait or worse still, being rushed because the rest of the group has become bored (but I've just started -_-").

Yeah, I know...travelling alone has its cons too but most things in life have their pros and cons. I guess it's just a matter of whether we choose to go for it or not. Most of the time, I look at the pros and try it out...but at the same time, try to weigh out the cons as well and be aware of some consequences just in case. It's worked well for me so far, so I'm happy with it. Like the title says, it's about perspective. I may seem like a loner, but sometimes being alone isn't all that bad =) Yes, I have had times where I feel like crap and needed someone really close that I can talk to...but until I find that someone, I don't think I want to sit around and mope and miss out on some fun things in life. So, going at it alone is good enough for me =)

Control vs. Freedom  

Posted by: Audrey in

You know that scene in Harry Potter where he ducks his head into the Pensieve and gets transported into someone's memories as a spectator but cannot do anything about it? Well, I've been kind of feeling that a lot lately....just yesterday night, I became a reluctant 'eye and ear witness' to a big argument at home between the parents and my younger sis. Why reluctant? Picture this if you will: I'd just gotten back from the gym all tired and aching (think I've overworked the arms a little...two consecutive days of arm group muscle exercises!) and after resting a little and catching up on some Cesar Milan episodes, I went to bed to catch some Z's. It's past 12am, and the sis comes storming into the room and starts a yelling fest with Mom followed by Dad! 

Don't think I want to go into the specifics (that would take a whole lot of words...and then some!), but suffice to say that she is not a big fan of the parents trying to control her life. Yes, by this point of time you've probably realized that we're still living with our parents...sad, isn't it? And I'm sharing a room even! *face palm* Jokes aside though, I had been wondering where did that notion that 'someone still living with their parents is a bad thing' came about? Anyways, I'm digressing...where was I?

Oh yes, see...this sis of mine has been kind of a 'rebel' - if you will - in our family. She's the one that while my parents spoil her to bits, will also be the one that they worry about the most in terms of her 'behaviour'. So, in this argument she's been spewing words like "Who still gives curfews to their 24-year-old daughter??" or "I'm so sick of living in this 'cage' and having NO LIFE WHATSOEVER", and especially "It is such a SHAME to have you as my parents!" to them.  

While some of what she mentioned was kinda true, (I felt the same way too about the 'curfews', only I was too chicken to say it out loud) the one thing that really got to me was her biggest saying that she is so ashamed of our parents. If there is one thing true about parents, they will never be perfect...but NO ONE (and I really do emphasize that) has the right to say that they are ashamed of their parents! They are after all, the ones who brought us into the world and took care of us in our most vulnerable times, showered us with their love and provided us with the best that they could give. Yes, I may be resentful of what they might do sometimes but I do believe that I am not ashamed of my parents because without them I wouldn't be what I am today. For this, I felt really angry for my parents, and I can't imagine how their hearts would have broken when they hear it coming out from her mouth. 

Looking on the 'outside' of the argument, what I can gather is that she is resentful of how restrictive they are in terms of house rules and what not, but she doesn't see the other things that they do: how they would just drop what they're doing and accommodate her every whim; how Mom wakes up every time to make her breakfast regardless of what time she goes to work (and she does go to work at some ungodly hours!) or wait for her to come home safely from the airport every time; how Mom would make sure her uniform is always pressed and ready for her while she just goes out and have fun with her bf/friends...the list goes on.

That being said though, our parents do exercise really rigid house rules...I still do remember to this day how someone mockingly and incredulously said to me, "You still have curfew ar??!" when I told them I had to leave early. And that happened in my uni days! These days, while sometimes my parents don't mention anything when I hang out late with friends, (is 2-3am considered late?) whenever they do it's always in some condescending tone which is very frustrating especially when they assume that when we go out, all we will ever do is drink, smoke, do drugs, or screw around (??!!!)

What I really would like to do is just to tell them that they've raised us right! Don't they know that all the nagging and what not have resulted in us being who we are now? Sure, we may hang out with friends who party, but that doesn't mean that we are so easily influenced now....I mean, give yourselves some credit! All those years of grilling into our heads that smoking / drinking is think we didn't listen but we do. I for one, can't drink AT ALL...the most I would go is a glass or two of beer. No matter how one coaxes me, I don't drink more than that coz it really doesn't agree with me and I don't like that feeling so I know my limits. And don't get me started on smoking either...while I do have quite a few friends who smoke, and I HAVE tried shisha before it doesn't really affect me much. I don't feel the peer pressure of wanting to smoke to look cool or to socialize more with others. So, have faith in us Mom and Dad! We do know how to differentiate what's right and wrong! If only they could read this and understand...though some small part of me also thinks that because they have ingrained into their heads that we are still small girls who are so naive they feel the need to 'protect' us from the cruel world, they won't listen. *sigh* 

Which really brings me to my next question: How much control is too much? All I've known in my life so far is my parents are being overprotective (up to the point of smothering sometimes), and yet I have also friends whose parents gave them complete freedom in the sense that they don't blink an eye when their kids only come home the next day, or not knowing where their kids are at any time....which got me thinking, what if (on the off chance) something untoward happens to the kids? Will anybody know where to look for them, or try and get help from others - be it the authorities or family and friends? From this point of view, I am glad that we have some accountability within our family...I do know that at some point of time, if I don't call home or I don't get home, my parents will not hesitate to call me straightaway or do something to ensure that I am on my way home safely. True, it is rather uncomfortable to be receiving a call from home whenever you're hanging out with friends, but knock on wood...if anything bad happens to me, I know at least SOMEONE knows where I was and will try to get a hold of me again.

Bleh...I sound like a nerdy goody-two-shoes daughter. Sometimes, I've wondered if I'm like those characters that you see on those behavioral analysis know, the one who tries REALLY hard to be that perfect kid for the parents to compensate for the behavior of the other siblings who are giving the parents a hard time. Come to think of it, perhaps I am...or I could be watching too many of these shows that I've been brainwashed or something =\ Still, I've also wondered what it's like to have total freedom.  Yeah, lots of people tell me that it's easy....just move out. Believe me, I have toyed with that option so many times it's unimaginable! But (and there's always a but!), it's not that simple for my family for many reasons that I don't think I can share just yet. As it is, I believe this is the longest entry I have to date....think I'd better stop for now. 


Posted by: Audrey in

Love 'em or hate 'em, at some point in our lives we do need a friend (or two) to share our happiness, sadness, frustration, etc etc. Just today I had a conversation with a colleague about our own personalities and the friends we keep, and it was kind of a little nudge on me that I don't have that many friends, or I don't really know how to choose my friends.

I can't exactly remember how our conversation veered into this direction, but we started talking about friends and she asked me if I have any best friends. Thinking about it after a while, I told her that I don't really have any kind of best friend....and she looked at me almost with sympathy. 

To be honest, my definition of a 'best friend' would be the kind of friend where we would share literally (almost) terms of really personal things. You know, the kind that we see in the movies and what not...those friends that are almost joined at the hip and will do almost everything together, share secrets with each other that nobody else knows (not even their own family), etc etc. But I find that over the years, while I have made many  good and close friends, I don't even have one friend that I would share my deepest, darkest secrets with. 

Not that I have any weird secrets or whatever, but it made me realize that hmm....I'm quite the loner. And as I try to think on the reasons why, I wonder if it could be because I was built that way. I am a middle elder sis was very much older than me, so we didn't have that much in common growing up (till now). My younger sis, although nearer in age with me, was kind of a spoiled brat (LOL!) so I pretty much spend my time alone. I favored books over hanging out with friends; when my sisters went into the Arts stream, I ventured into Science; none of my sisters liked music, but I reveled in it (at least for a good few years till I felt so pressured I quit). Pretty much most of my childhood I do things on my own and was pretty independent. When things go wrong, I find myself retreating to my 'safe place' which is my own mind...and try to work things out myself. The few times I try to open up to my sisters, they backfire and I guess it became sort of second nature to keep myself guarded at all times.

I don't blame anybody's just that I've been so used to being on my own that it's hard to let anybody else in. I guess, so much so that when people first met me they think I'm someone who is arrogant or snobbish. Yes, I have had so many of my friends tell me that that's their first impression of me! I try my hardest not to be super quiet and all, but never really worked. But once they get to know me, they find that hey, I'm not that bad...just awkward with social situations, speaks almost exclusively in English and will probably only talk with people when first talked to. LOL! Somehow though, I've managed to make some friends, and thanks to the Internet, quite a few good online friends as well. It's just when it comes to personal matters, I've never yet met someone that I've felt comfortable enough to 'bare my heart and soul' to speak.

And my colleague tells me that it's because I've never actually shared with someone. How would I know whether I am comfortable enough? And I realize that it's kinda true too.  I've not opened my heart yet to anybody WOULD I know whether I can trust someone right? There was a time when I thought I could do that, but that relationship (if I can call it that) got nipped in the bud before I took that leap. I guess it's always going to be kinda like, I have to take the first step and pray to God that I don't fall straight into the valley. 

Well, I do hope to someday find that ever-elusive person that I could talk about anything with...till then, this journal of mine will probably be my only outlet. And till then, I'm really thankful for my handful of good friends who still wanted to be my friend even when I have my emo times and what not =) Cheers for good friends!

Bits and pieces...  

Posted by: Audrey in

Whew, here I go again...go on a post rampage and then 'silence' for a few weeks. LOL! Oh well, here are the bits and pieces of updates so far:

It's been quite a hectic few weeks as I had been busy with work, which is good...I have been here for a year now, and I have no complaints in the sense that I don't feel restless or unaccomplished or even dissatisfied. Sure, there have been stress at work...sometimes more than I bargained for, but it all worked out in the end. For which I'm thankful for, and I am hoping this state that I'm in lasts for some time =) Being able to learn more about the systems that I'm working with and still being motivated to continue on with this company are kind of good signs for me at the moment. 

The past few days also had been a bit dizzying, what with me doing the data cleansing job again...I know, I said I would never do it again but the pay is kind of good for a few days' work and it's only a few days. I could tolerate this kind of job maybe once a will definitely help me to save a little bit more money. So, if the opportunity comes again next month I might just consider doing it again. LOL!

Gym on the other hand had been fluctuating =( Just a few days ago, I had my personal training session with Jack and he wanted to do the physical assessment thing to check on my progress. I waited with anticipation to see how I'd done, but to my dismay I didn't even lose 1kg! (I lost like 600g...LMAO!) And to rub salt in the wound, my fat percentage has gone up almost 2% and muscle mass decreased! *sighhhhh* Jack asked me about my eating habits and at first thought, I don't remember eating out of the ordinary (this meaning I have been sticking to less oily foods, more fruits and veggies, more grilled / steamed foods when possible, less portions). Until....I checked back my food journal. Dang it, there have been wedding dinners, open houses, and super heavy lunches (think burgers and other fast food. Eep!) that I had forgotten about and needless to say, I had been eating too much. Blehhhhhh! Just goes to show that I can't have too much in one stretch of a time...once a while is still fine, but once I start eating more, THIS happens. Oh well...Jack gave me some 'homework' to do in between our sessions, i.e 40 mins of cardio (or burning 600kcal!), followed by 2-3 sets of lunges, squats, burpees and sit ups (20 reps each!). o.O" Wish me luck as I try to attempt it this week after the part time job finishes!

Ah yes, another bit that I'm pretty excited about is that I've splurged on something that's kind of been on my wishlist since I've started vesting an interest in baking. It's black, shiny, and kinda huge! LOL! Yeah, of all the double entendres I can use, I use those...*rolls eyes* Here's a photo that I grabbed online just to show a sneak peek. I have yet to unwrap it in its entirety to snap proper pics and get a feel on how to use it, so hopefully I can do that in my next entry:

Isn't it gorgeous??! Okay, my ideal color wasn't caviar (it was pretty IMPERIAL RED!!), but umm...let's just say I got a better deal buying from a place that only carries the caviar color than the others that carry the other colors. And (as I try to keep consoling myself) what's important is the functionality right? Looks are good, but what matters most is how it works...and this works just as well as the gorgeous red one! What's more, this has shiny glitter all over it to make up for the fact that it's a boring black....LOL! Yes, I'm babbling yet I shall save all the babble for when I DO actually have the time to get it out of its box and actually start up the motor to use it. Will post up photos really soon =)

Wow...seems like it wasn't exactly 'Bits and Pieces' as I'd expected. Oh well, you know long-winded me. =P


Posted by: Audrey in ,

Wow, it's been a hectic 2 weeks and I'm only FINALLY able to sit down properly and try to type out this entry. LOL! Been mulling about this for some time now, so here goes =)

It was my birthday some 2 weeks ago. I turned 27...haha! Yes, I'm not afraid to reveal my age =P Probably coz the phase of being afraid to let people know my age has not hit yet, but this year had been somewhat different compared to the previous ones...don't think I've really written about my birthday before so this is a first too! LOL! First things first, I want to post up some photos (since my previous posts have been pretty much devoid of photos, I thought I'd 'spice' it up a bit. Hahahaha!)

This was a little birthday cake that my colleagues got for me the day before my actual birthday! My birthday fell on a public holiday (for Selangor YAYYY!) so some of my colleagues got me one to celebrate. Wasn't really a surprise as some of the girls asked me to drive them to the bakery (pretending that they wanted to buy cake)! Haha! But it was still sweet that they thought of my birthday and the cake was a REALLY yummy one =) Chocolate mousse to be exact, with some glazed strawberries. Yum! And they made me eat like 3 slices of it! And OMG I've now only realized that my hairline is receding....EEP! I'm going to need hair transplants soon!

On my actual birthday, I had a 'date' with S & K, two of my colleagues who recently I've also become good friends with...our birthdays are kind of close to each other's so we thought we'd celebrate it together by going out for lunch and a movie. So, we headed to Sushi Tei at Tropicana City Mall. This was what I had...soba with scallops and egg. Very scrumptious! =)

There were also other great foods that we ordered but this was my favourite...tropical salmon maki! The salmon was fried briefly with some tempura, then wrapped with some thin slices of avocado, seaweed and topped with some yellow shrimp roe. Very nice, as the salmon is super tender =)

After lunch we headed for a movie ("Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes", which was STUPENDOUS! I wish I had remembered to blog about it, but it was quite some time ago since I've watched it that I'm not sure I'll do justice to it. Hmm...maybe I should watch it again! Heh!) and straight on to dessert...frozen yogurt! I've heard all about Tutti Frutti, but have yet to actually try it so this was a real treat. The staff was nice enough to let me sample all the flavours before I made my choice...and it was super yummy! Burned quite a hole in my wallet but meh, it's my birthday right? LOL!

And the celebrations didn't actually end on that day...the whole tester team at my office decided to treat me to lunch the next day, and it was a nice meal too! Will try to post up a blog about it ASAP in the next blog. =) On my family side, we didn't really celebrate my birthday as I had to work that night (that part-time job thingy that sucked) but my elder sis got me some skincare products (which are super nice!) and younger sis got me something too, which is...

THIS AWESOME CAKE! It was from a super cool bakery place called "Delectable" in The Gardens...loved it! Look at the pretty details on the cake...I so wish I had the creativity to make this sort of cake! The taste was awesome too...vanilla cake with a little bit of a citrus-y, ginger-y after taste, layered with buttercream. Yum!


Well, aside from all the gushing about how fun my birthday was (it was, and I had a good time. Heh!), I had a bit of a mulling over when I turned 27. Got thinking about how I am now considered in my 'late twenties', what have I really accomplished so far; have I really matured enough to warrant being a 27-year-old, or did I waste my twenties away? So I thought it'd be fun to put down some points of how I was 10 years ago, and where do I stand with those opinions now:
  • 10 years ago: My biggest worries were things like where do I go after high school? Do I go to college? Form 6? University? What kind of courses do I choose? Science / Arts stream?
    I worry about work....Am I doing enough / Am I NOT doing enough? How do I stay away from the politics of work without it jeopardizing my relationship with my colleagues or my performance? Will I stay with this company for long, or do I move on to a better company when the time is right? When IS the right time to move on? If I DO move on, will I ever know if it's the correct move or did I just screw myself over again?
  • 10 years ago: Guys with androgynous looks are super cute / handsome to me. I fancied artistes like Kian and Shane from Westlife, or the Japanese / Korean / Spanish actors of that time (can't exactly pinpoint who I had a total crush on that time...gosh, too long ago. LOL!)
    Now: I have a soft spot for guys with a well-kept five o'clock shadow. LOL! The clean shaven look is also cool, but I dunno...I find it quite sexy that a guy has a wee bit of a stubble. LOL! Hmm...let's see. Loved Aragorn in LOTR, Hugh Jackman, David Cook, Ramin Karimloo, Wentworth Miller, Gale Harold...and the list can go on and on. Haha!
  • 10 years ago: My type of music would only be like the Top 40 chart songs on Hitz FM. Mostly pop songs...notably boybands. Yes, I've been in that teeny bopper phase of being a HUGE fan of Westlife. They were the only boyband that I've ever done crazy things for, like buying every single album (even the so-called 'deluxe' editions where they release the same album + a measly few more songs with a decidedly higher price!), buying tonnes of magazines so I could read about them (and a lot of these mags were from the UK...not cheap!) and cut out their photos so I could put them in my scrapbook, collecting any sort of memorabilia on them and attending almost all their concerts whenever they came down to KL (they did come down a lot those days!) Come to think of it...I think I still do have some of their memorabilia left with me. Haha! Wonder what it would be like when I look it up!
    Now: I still do enjoy Westlife's songs, but not in that teeny bopper way anymore. My taste in music (if that's what you call it. LOL!) have sort of diverged into stuff like Linkin Park (also a huge fan!); quite a few independent artistes like Joshua Payne, Darin Southam, David Choi, Jonathan Clay; and of course pop-classical artistes like Josh Groban, Il Divo, Teatro; musicals and most of the easy-listening genre =)
  • 10 years ago: I'm always wondering if I'll ever find a boyfriend, especially when a lot of my friends have started dating already and it's quite depressing to say the least.
    Now: I am STILL wondering....LOL! Now, the situation has somewhat changed though as most of my friends are either in a relationship, got engaged, married / getting married, or have kids / planning for kids. And the question that always begged to be asked whenever people see me is, "So, when's your turn?" *rolls eyes* Can't say I'm exactly depressed, but it's a bit disheartening. And yet, I'm also sort of resigned...if I'm meant to be a spinster for the rest of my life, I guess so be it. *shrugs*
  • 10 years ago: I HATED the way that I looked...partly because I was already overweight (yes, even at that age!) and my face was like a poster for bad skin. Tried all sorts of things (which I could afford at the time) but to no avail, until my Mom decided she'd bring me to the dermatologist. Helped me in some way as my skin started clearing a little bit...but I was not a happy teenager to say the least.
    Now: I've learnt that a lot of problems we have with our bodies stem from our bad skin was a manifestation of how I hated myself, which is kind of true. My bad skin was a result of me hating myself, and when I see myself in this condition, I hated myself even more....creating a vicious cycle. *sigh* So, am trying hard to be more positive and not to think so much that I'm fugly. It helps a little that I'm starting to lose some weight coz of the exercise, and I've started to use a little makeup to conceal the redness so that I look fractionally normal and not an alienoid. Hence, I'm keeping the positive thoughts going. Also waiting for a good time (read: financially able) to get to a dermatologist as the skin is not looking much better....I was so naive thinking that acne is for teenagers. Here I am in my late twenties, and I'm still breaking out! On the one hand, I could say that my skin is still in its teens. Wahahahaa! But on the other, it's getting really annoying that I still have to deal with this after so long. Pfft!

I've got a bunch more, but I realize this has gotten so long I've probably bored the wits out of you who is reading this (if there is ANYBODY reading this at all. LOL!) so I shall stop there. It has been fun reminiscing about old times....I wonder what it would be like 10 years from now. =) I'm hoping I change more for the better and that I'll be as happy as I could be. *crosses fingers*