Cookie Monster Never Had This Good....  

Posted by: Audrey in

This will just be a short post since I'm a bit preoccupied with work and more 'projects' at home...hehe! The cookie craze is still on, so here are photos of my projects (some are done quite a few weeks ago...I know. Lazy me!)

I am liking this PicStitch app on my phone that allows us to edit the photos before 'stitching' them up into collages like this! Kinda like having a mini Photoshop in my phone. *grins* These are cookies from my recent surge of 'creativity' (should be read as 'inspired to try out the designs made by other cookie bloggers'!). Cherries on a polka dot background, some marbling and even some dabbling with drawing using an edible ink pen...Heh!

The "Love" series...I liked how the marbling turns out this time around. Piping still needs work though. Think it's also the consistency of the icing (made it a bit too runny so it doesn't hold its shape well). That 'film negative' effect is quite nice I think...

These were from a recent baking spree with Justina, a good friend of mine who also loves to bake....we had time to spare while waiting for some raisin cookies to bake, so we decorated these cookies that I brought from home. Inspired by some 'cute face' cupcakes that we saw online, we tried to replicate that. Hehe! Oh, and I wanted to try to make some curlicue like the ones on the Hostess Cupcake, hence the black cookie at the bottom of the pic...a little fail. LOL! Which reminds me that I wanted to try out that recipe...hmmm *grins*

Sis got the 'baking bug' too...only she wants to play with the icing instead of baking the cookies. LOL! So, I made up a batch of cookies, and she drew on the outlines using an edible ink pen before we decorated with icing (No way I can freehand ice these. Hands still too shaky!). Aren't they the cutest??! I think these characters are called Mr. Men and Little Miss, amongst some other cute fave was the ~Meow~ and Woodstock!

And last but not least, the easiest batch of cookies 'iced'. LOL! I found these pre-printed icing pieces while looking for references to Angry Birds for an order (more on that in my next post), so I thought of trying them with cookies....easy peasy! Just slap on some icing and stick the pieces on, and you're done! I piped a little border on the side just to make it like it adhered more...simple, and so pretty! Now I'm wondering if the people who prints these do custom-made printing....imagine the things we could do with these! Hehehe!

Yup, that's all from me at the moment...more to come, I promise! I'm attempting something bigger than I've ever done so far...wish me luck!


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