Control vs. Freedom  

Posted by: Audrey in

You know that scene in Harry Potter where he ducks his head into the Pensieve and gets transported into someone's memories as a spectator but cannot do anything about it? Well, I've been kind of feeling that a lot lately....just yesterday night, I became a reluctant 'eye and ear witness' to a big argument at home between the parents and my younger sis. Why reluctant? Picture this if you will: I'd just gotten back from the gym all tired and aching (think I've overworked the arms a little...two consecutive days of arm group muscle exercises!) and after resting a little and catching up on some Cesar Milan episodes, I went to bed to catch some Z's. It's past 12am, and the sis comes storming into the room and starts a yelling fest with Mom followed by Dad! 

Don't think I want to go into the specifics (that would take a whole lot of words...and then some!), but suffice to say that she is not a big fan of the parents trying to control her life. Yes, by this point of time you've probably realized that we're still living with our parents...sad, isn't it? And I'm sharing a room even! *face palm* Jokes aside though, I had been wondering where did that notion that 'someone still living with their parents is a bad thing' came about? Anyways, I'm digressing...where was I?

Oh yes, see...this sis of mine has been kind of a 'rebel' - if you will - in our family. She's the one that while my parents spoil her to bits, will also be the one that they worry about the most in terms of her 'behaviour'. So, in this argument she's been spewing words like "Who still gives curfews to their 24-year-old daughter??" or "I'm so sick of living in this 'cage' and having NO LIFE WHATSOEVER", and especially "It is such a SHAME to have you as my parents!" to them.  

While some of what she mentioned was kinda true, (I felt the same way too about the 'curfews', only I was too chicken to say it out loud) the one thing that really got to me was her biggest saying that she is so ashamed of our parents. If there is one thing true about parents, they will never be perfect...but NO ONE (and I really do emphasize that) has the right to say that they are ashamed of their parents! They are after all, the ones who brought us into the world and took care of us in our most vulnerable times, showered us with their love and provided us with the best that they could give. Yes, I may be resentful of what they might do sometimes but I do believe that I am not ashamed of my parents because without them I wouldn't be what I am today. For this, I felt really angry for my parents, and I can't imagine how their hearts would have broken when they hear it coming out from her mouth. 

Looking on the 'outside' of the argument, what I can gather is that she is resentful of how restrictive they are in terms of house rules and what not, but she doesn't see the other things that they do: how they would just drop what they're doing and accommodate her every whim; how Mom wakes up every time to make her breakfast regardless of what time she goes to work (and she does go to work at some ungodly hours!) or wait for her to come home safely from the airport every time; how Mom would make sure her uniform is always pressed and ready for her while she just goes out and have fun with her bf/friends...the list goes on.

That being said though, our parents do exercise really rigid house rules...I still do remember to this day how someone mockingly and incredulously said to me, "You still have curfew ar??!" when I told them I had to leave early. And that happened in my uni days! These days, while sometimes my parents don't mention anything when I hang out late with friends, (is 2-3am considered late?) whenever they do it's always in some condescending tone which is very frustrating especially when they assume that when we go out, all we will ever do is drink, smoke, do drugs, or screw around (??!!!)

What I really would like to do is just to tell them that they've raised us right! Don't they know that all the nagging and what not have resulted in us being who we are now? Sure, we may hang out with friends who party, but that doesn't mean that we are so easily influenced now....I mean, give yourselves some credit! All those years of grilling into our heads that smoking / drinking is think we didn't listen but we do. I for one, can't drink AT ALL...the most I would go is a glass or two of beer. No matter how one coaxes me, I don't drink more than that coz it really doesn't agree with me and I don't like that feeling so I know my limits. And don't get me started on smoking either...while I do have quite a few friends who smoke, and I HAVE tried shisha before it doesn't really affect me much. I don't feel the peer pressure of wanting to smoke to look cool or to socialize more with others. So, have faith in us Mom and Dad! We do know how to differentiate what's right and wrong! If only they could read this and understand...though some small part of me also thinks that because they have ingrained into their heads that we are still small girls who are so naive they feel the need to 'protect' us from the cruel world, they won't listen. *sigh* 

Which really brings me to my next question: How much control is too much? All I've known in my life so far is my parents are being overprotective (up to the point of smothering sometimes), and yet I have also friends whose parents gave them complete freedom in the sense that they don't blink an eye when their kids only come home the next day, or not knowing where their kids are at any time....which got me thinking, what if (on the off chance) something untoward happens to the kids? Will anybody know where to look for them, or try and get help from others - be it the authorities or family and friends? From this point of view, I am glad that we have some accountability within our family...I do know that at some point of time, if I don't call home or I don't get home, my parents will not hesitate to call me straightaway or do something to ensure that I am on my way home safely. True, it is rather uncomfortable to be receiving a call from home whenever you're hanging out with friends, but knock on wood...if anything bad happens to me, I know at least SOMEONE knows where I was and will try to get a hold of me again.

Bleh...I sound like a nerdy goody-two-shoes daughter. Sometimes, I've wondered if I'm like those characters that you see on those behavioral analysis know, the one who tries REALLY hard to be that perfect kid for the parents to compensate for the behavior of the other siblings who are giving the parents a hard time. Come to think of it, perhaps I am...or I could be watching too many of these shows that I've been brainwashed or something =\ Still, I've also wondered what it's like to have total freedom.  Yeah, lots of people tell me that it's easy....just move out. Believe me, I have toyed with that option so many times it's unimaginable! But (and there's always a but!), it's not that simple for my family for many reasons that I don't think I can share just yet. As it is, I believe this is the longest entry I have to date....think I'd better stop for now. 


As much as I love staying with my parents; meals always ready on the table, mom always get the laundry done and tidy up my room before me etc. etc., I still prefer the freedom staying outside. There are times that we just don't bother to clean the house/room, don't bother to take shower and just hit the bed.. at least nobody will nag at me :P

My parents are quite ok with my brother and I. As long as they know where we are going they won't call us while we are outside. Unless it's too late than maybe mom will call lo..She just wanna make sure we are ok, understood la. One thing which I cannot tahan staying with the parents is when they fight. Very 'fan' lol..

I had a taste of that freedom during first year of uni when I was staying in the hostel. Only, I don't have a car that time so travelling around is hard :P Wishing I could have that again too....

Your parents are cool :) My parents will call at precisely 12am if we're not back at home, even though we told them where we're going, who we're with and we'll be home late. LOL! Yes, I get what you mean about the parents fighting...we get that a lot too!

I guess we never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves ;)

How I wish I could stay with my mum every single day, she's the best! Cherish the moment before it's too late~~

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