In The Mood....  

Posted by: Audrey in

...for nothing really. I've no idea what came into me. It was all "I'm good, I can do this" with quite a few projects at work and hobbies to occupy me and my fickle mind. All of a sudden, BAM! A wash of just 'weird-ness' (the best I could describe it) overcame me and now I'm in the worst mood ever. Darn. 

I've been meaning to post some more baking stuff that I did, some future ones that I'd planned, and even my trip to Singapore. Before this, my excuse was that I was too busy to sit down and organize my photos and thoughts. But now, I guess the posts will have to wait till this 'thing' goes over. Could it be the holiday mood? If it is, it kinda sucks....WTF. Festive seasons are supposed to bring cheer, happiness and joy! Dang this brain of mine.

The really weird thing about this feeling is that I'm neither sad, angry, nor anxious. It's just really really uncomfortable and I can't shake it off. Even with my tried and true method, it seems to be failing. *sigh* I'm hoping this will wear off soon coz it's giving me kind of a heart / headache. Now I'm wondering if it's something that someone said to me or someone did to me....=\ 

I used to be good at pinpointing these feelings...when I do, I let it just wash over me -  pain and all - and it just subsides after a while. That could be days or weeks....but this kinda scares me a little! Sometimes I wish I could shut this off for a while so I could have peace but who am I kidding right?

Okay, babbling time's over...think I need to sleep this out. Fingers crossed and hoping that things will turn out better tomorrow...I need myself back!


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