Random Musings  

Posted by: Audrey in

Just felt like blogging a little after a long bout of not doing it....heh! Been a little okay, very busy with work and the 'activities' after work - mostly boot camp workouts outside. Boot camp was surprisingly fun and enjoyable...I think I'm going to miss it a little now that the sessions are done for the month (I bought vouchers for different 'camps'' promotions, so they're mostly one month sessions....cheaper than forking out hundreds for a month. The only catch is, the sessions ONLY last a month. *sigh*) Commitments at the moment are a little high, so I don't really have that much to spare....=( Not even for capoeira, which I'm missing also. *sigh* I'm regretting taking up that gym membership a little. Oh well, what's done is done right? I should be just getting back into the gym since I've already paying for it and all that. 

Ah yes, got into a little an accident right on the last day of February. Long story short, car skidded due to *ahem* the so-called slippery road, hit the car on my left, then spun a few times coming to a stop. After a while, because my car was still on the fast lane, an unsuspecting car came and hit the back of my car -_-" Blah blah blah (police report, towing, etc) the car was in the workshop for about 2 weeks and now I have my car back. Yay! The 2 weeks of taking public transport was a nightmare, to say the least....but it does make for fun amusement in people watching. Heh! The things I hear people say and see them do at the stations or in the train sometimes just cracks me up =)

Also got a few kinda big baking projects lined up...crossing my fingers that they turn out well, coz they really are quite big orders. When I'm done with it, will post up more photos...along with some other projects that I've done. It seems recently that I've been baking more cakes and pastries that I've forgotten how to make cupcakes and muffins. LOL! I shall 're-hone' those skills again this week...*crosses fingers*


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