
Posted by: Audrey in

Okay, normally I try not to use HBO words in whatever I do, but sometimes...HBO words are kind of apt to be used in certain situations. Case in point: now.

I just got back from a meeting with the boss about my performance/yearly appraisal. Forget the fact that it was conducted too late (all the way in February, when it was told that due to a streamlining of the company's process, appraisals are done in January); or that I have to keep reminding the HR department that my appraisal is LATE. Apparently, there has been another 'streamline' in their process of evaluating people. It is a point-based system where they give points for whatever criterias HR uses for evaluation, and the tally of these points determine your performance for the year. No complaints about that...I feel my performance has been good the past year (save for that dratted fall and absence of 2 months...but otherwise, still kind of good).

The complaint of mine was...the effin' increment! In my first year of appraisal, there has been quite a big increment in terms of percentage-wise (around 30-40%!) from my monthly salary. Granted, my salary at the time had been super low, so of course it's a significant increase. Naturally, one would estimate that in the second year of appraisal, there should be somewhat that kind of increase right? (given that my current salary is STILL much, MUCH lower than what any other company pays for what I'm doing) And so, I waited with bated breath to see if it's worth another year of my services...

Guess what? According to their 'formula' of calculation, my performance has been deemed 'GOOD'...and so, I get a 'very good increment' (according to my boss) of:

Wow....what can I say right? Seven. Effin'. Percent. And that's for 2 years of working (almost) my butt off. Way to go for I'm just super pumped to 'contribute even more to the company's success'! *rolls eyes* Forget all the crap that says I'm 'good raw material that needs to be polished'...what do we (well, I mostly I guess) work so hard for? To get enough money to sustain oneself! As it is, I barely have enough to sustain myself...there was NO WAY I could ever get a car (let alone a house) with this f****** salary; don't even get me started on savings (I have none...go figure), and with this inflation of prices and all, it just gives me more reason to leave!

I seriously do not believe in the 'we work not for the money, but for our interest' crap. Reality always kicks in no matter what we do, and more often than kicks us in the nuts. HARD. And so, here goes another kicker for me. Need to find new job. PRONTO. Any recommendations? I'm seriously open to suggestions.


Wow amazing....sounds like my Percy Jackson review lol.
On a serious note...low...sadly...on the bright side...lunch on me.

now u know what to fill in in the exit interview form. 5 for performance not adequately awarded!!!! as much as i want u to stay i think it's much wiser to seek for better offer. this thursday let's cheers the sorrow away LOL

LOL! Yes, I do! Still have yet to find something else, so I guess I have to stick it out until then :) I don't want to leave too coz so many nice people here...just that the management sucked :(

Yeah, Thursday we all go sing like crazy! *wink*

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