Back On Track....??!!  

Posted by: Audrey in

Wow, finally back in the office. Not much has changed, except that some of my intern colleagues have left. All seems to be normal, except me....first day back and I'm blogging away. -____-" Still, it's kind of weird typing with two hands now that I've gotten used to typing with one. Arm's still a bummer (read: aching pains with humerus bent...eep!) so am taking it slow I guess...

I guess I'm 'supposed' to update on what happened the past few days. Quite exciting days, but let's see if I can organize my thoughts...hehe!

  • I FINALLY MANAGED TO GET SOME CAROB! Woohoo! I can finally make some faux chocolate stuff for Scottie...from the recipes I found, I think they might even taste nicer than normal chocolate stuff (or maybe I'm just hyping myself out). The thing is, it (carob powder) is not so expensive, but I guess importing loads from overseas and me purchasing that one packet or two is a big difference. Meh. Now, to get my hands on some carob THAT would be totally awesome! hehe!
  •  Watched 'The Private Lives of Pippa Lee' on totally bummed out because I missed the beginning of the show. And it's not my fault either! *pouts* The tickets stated it starts showing at 11.30am, and we reached the hall at 11.25am just to learn that it had already started for maybe 10-15 mins already (with no one else in it, mind you!) As such I didn't really know what happened in the beginning...*sigh* I like to believe that the introduction of the movie sets the tone for the entire duration...because I didn't get that, I guess I can't make a fair 'judgement' on the movie. I'll probably go get a download or something so I can watch it in its entirety. But from what I've watched so far, it feels kind of like a small, intimate portrayal of a woman and her many pasts (wild, unloved in the beginning but found it in the end?, rebellion, etc etc). Kind of nostalgic in that we get to see Pippa from her point of view. But I digressed...will maybe talk about it more after I've watched it properly =)
  • Am currently re-reading Eclipse (of the Twilight Saga) for probably the umpteenth time...LOL! Don't know why, but the mood and the characters in the saga always takes me somewhere different, surreal, and full of hope. Which is probably the author's goal, but I can't really describe it. I guess I just would like to BE Bella or something (though the vampire thingy is weird, but if there really was an Edward Cullen around, wouldn't that be fun? LOL!). Nyeah, most girls probably think like me too, but oh's one of my guilty pleasures, I guess. Pretend that I'm someone else and not this hideous, fat girl with a bum arm. =)
  • Played Guitar Hero on the Nintendo DS the past 2 days...YAYY! Technically it's not mine, but my sister got it and was gracious enough to lend it to me. I quite like it, though it's rather uncomfortable to hold your wrist out at an angle (and with my left arm being in that position for a long time...can you say 'stiff'??!) but still...I enjoyed it! Makes me feel like I could play guitar...though it's a poor simulation of it, but meh. Who's arguing with it when there are so many people hooked on it right? 
  • Am attempting to bake a number of doggie cupcakes and biscuits for a party this far, family members are not very happy with it (what with rising electricity costs and me working with my bum arm) but I thought I'd give it a go to see if I can turn this into something. Looking back at the projects I've done before...I quite enjoy baking. It definitely beats working in an office...although I work more per se at baking (moving and cleaning and beating, you get the picture) I feel a better sense of satisfaction knowing that I'm making SOMETHING (albeit sometimes there are failures, but still...I tried) and to see that the results (of the successful projects) are pretty and tasty. Plus, to know that my dogs (and hopefully other dogs...some day) enjoy the treats I made for them. Sure, the recipes are not created by myself, but most people I know don't bake coz it's so tedious and they don't know what they're missing out! Oh well, hopefully I'll get around it sometime. Meanwhile, I'll just enjoy the process...=) 
  • Did I mention I got a new (-ish) phone? *grins* It's a Nokia N80...a gift from my uncle. He already got an iPhone (which I'm totally jealous feels like every member of the family that I talked to about the iPhone gets to have one, but me, the first one to learn about it didn't have one. *sigh*), so he asked if I wanted his old phone. I thought, since my old phone is already SOOOO darn old (almost 6 years now...can you believe it?!!) and I have no way of getting an iPhone in the near future, why not right? I'm still getting used to sliding the phone up to type (and not having a comprehensive dictionary function in SMS-ing like my old phone) and playing with the functions, but it's definitely a big step up from my old phone. For one, the camera is a 3 megapixel camera (YAYY!), and it has WIFI and 3G functions...not to mention a bigger memory capacity and it being a smartphone (I still don't really know what it does, but it sounds awesome...'I have a SMARTphone' LOL!) All in all, a very cool phone for a giveaway =D


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