Happier things...  

Posted by: Audrey in ,

Bleh.. after ranting out, it's kind of hard to go back and think of the good stuff, no? That saying is kind of true..."People will always remember that one bad thing that you did, even though you had done 10 good things prior to that one mistake." 

I'm adamant though to blog about some good things that happened (somewhat) and after that incident...gives me something else to think about other than dwelling on the bad stuff =) My Bali trip was super AMAZING! I will need to organize the photos and blog about it ASAP, coz it was an unforgettable experience. I'm still missing that simple, idyll, yet fascinating island....will definitely want to go back again =) Didn't manage to go to the beach much this time around, but the tours around Bali were magnificent! Will blog more about that in my other blog, so stay tuned *wink*

Well, after the incident I was a bit disheartened and needed a break from the madness and all...but I had sort of lost a place where I could continue on my 'quest' to get back in shape. Luckily, a friend mentioned that she had recently joined a gym and was looking for a gym partner to go together. I jumped at it naturally, and so a few days ago I went with her to check out the gym.

We first met with her personal trainer, Jack. He was quite nice and did the physical assessment thing for me (which is customary for everybody who comes in to the gym for the first time). Didn't really know what to think as I've never done this before. He asked me to go on a machine that looked like a weighing scale with some weird handles and buttons. Got me to step on to it while holding on to the sensors and a few minutes later, voila! A report is printed out showing how healthy I was. They had things like "Body Fat Percentage", "Body Mass Index", and "Basal Metabolic Rate" written on it. I'm probably the worst skeptic ever, but I don't see how a machine can calculate the total body fat percentage of a person just by standing on to the scale and holding on to a couple of sensors! It's a bit hodge-podge to me, but meh...thought I'd give it a listen.

According to the report, my body fat percentage is a whopping 35%, which in their categorization, puts me in their 'Obese' section....o.O" The acceptable percentage is actually around 18-20% if I remember it correctly. Jack says that I would need to lose about 14kg of fat (OMG!) but it's not just about losing weight, but more on building and toning up the muscles and raising my Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) - apparently that's the measurement of how much my body will burn calories when I'm doing minimal activity - to burn off more fat. Sounds fair, and I'm interested on how he plans to do it for someone like me. 

On the other hand though, my Body Mass Index (BMI) is in the "Normal" category, which gave me a pleasant surprise. I haven't been weighing myself lately, and it was sweet to learn that I've lost about 10kg so far. YAYY! For this, I do have to thank L for her help. Although she hasn't been treating me as a friend, she has and will always be a great trainer. What an awesome feeling....now to continue to lose more of the fat, especially around the abs, arms and thighs! LOL!

So, long story short (I do tend to be babbling a lot these days!), I've signed up for a gym membership and some personal training sessions with Jack...yayy! So far, I've done two sessions with Jack and it was great. I didn't really feel much in the first session, probably coz he was assessing how much I could do and trying to go slow, but I mentioned to him that I could do more and I'm used to (somewhat) harder kind of training. And in the second session, he did push me harder with the exercises...which was great. The 'good' pain is back...kinda miss it coz I had been plateau-ing previously. Am looking forward to my next sessions and also joining the group classes to get more variety out of the workouts...=) 

So there you have it....some of the happier things that have happened recently. I'm hoping and crossing my fingers that more happy things will come my way than sad ones. To quote a character from the series "Hellcats", "Positive outcomes only!!" *grins*


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