Progress thus far...  

Posted by: Audrey in

Don't know why I had to keep blogging about my sessions at the gym. LOL! Maybe it's partly because I want to keep motivating myself, or just as a reminder that I NEED to keep the progress going. Maybe because there's always something happening that makes me want to blog about it, or maybe I'm just too free at the moment. =P

Anyhoo, it was my fifth session with Jack yesterday. Didn't really do anything interesting...we just did reps with some other machines. In between there was some cycling, jump steps on the stepboard, and sit-ups. Quite a good workout...I notice that Jack will increase the weights after each rep, which is good. Now if only I could remember how to use them by myself! LOL! It's a bit intimidating to try out the machines myself, especially when there are so many people around (mostly guys) who seem to know what they're doing...I know I'm not supposed to care what people will think, [Note: you know those movies / shows that depict the gym as a place for guys to check out hot chicks or girls to ogle at guys with their buff bodies working out? Totally NOT the case! LOL! Sure, there will be some pretty girls who don't look like they need the workouts and buff guys doing the weights every now and then but the majority of people working out are just normal people like you and me. Plus, I don't know how people can ogle at someone who had just finished working out....everyone is just sweaty and gross, myself included! I couldn't be bothered to look most of the time. Haha!] but I also don't want to risk spoiling the machines or worse, injuring myself trying to attempt it. >.<" Lucky for me there is a ladies workout area for the ladies only...I don't really see many people there. Maybe I could go there and play around with the machines there instead of looking like an idiot at the general area trying to use the machines and people are standing around waiting their turn...but, I digressed.

After the workout, Jack reviewed my food logs and was quite happy with my mealtimes and food that I had yesterday. (yayy!) What I did was basically make my own breakfast (just some scrambled eggs with wholemeal toast and half a kiwi), and then eat healthier in the main meals (more proteins, less carbs, include some veggies and fruits in too), and snacking on light food (read: oat biscuits, fruits or veggies) between those meals. The past two weeks, I've been trying to follow this routine and eating at least 4-5 meals a day...seems to be working. I'm not eating as much, coz I know I will have something to eat in a few more hours. He advised for me to follow those mealtimes as closely as possible...and I'm hoping I could. At the moment, I'm motivated enough to wake up earlier than usual to prepare my breakfast and snacks for when I'm in the office...fingers crossed that I'll keep this streak up!

It felt good to know that at least I'm getting some things right when some others are still kinda wrong...=) Of course, being the curious cat, I asked Jack what did he think about my progress. Am I slacking? Do I try enough? And he said that I could see how much progress I've made by going on the physical assessment machine again. I did, and the first thing I noticed was my weight. I had gained 2kg in 2 weeks...WTF! But then Jack said, it's okay...the weight gain was because of the muscle mass that I had increased. According to the machine, I had increased my muscle mass by about 2+ kg. YAYY! My fat percentage has also gone down 2.3%, which according to Jack, is about 2kg of fat lost. Double YAYY! All this in the span of 5 sessions (I had been a little slack and only coming to the gym for the sessions...except for one day which I blogged about previously), so it's really satisfying. Jack also said that as I go further, when the fat mass goes lower and muscle mass increases, the weight will eventually go down so all's good I guess. My BMI is still at a normal range (though bordering on the edge already >.<") but I'm optimistic I guess. I don't really know if I should trust the machine thingy 100% but in time I will know I guess...previously, the only measure I had for myself was the way my clothes fit better / started to get loose. At least I know the amount of money spent of personal training is not gone to waste =) Now, to put more effort and to get my butt in the gym in between PT sessions!


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