Job-hunting Mania...Kind Of  

Posted by: Audrey in

Yes, I've been looking for new jobs and going for interviews...add on to that, the 'stress' of having to keep quiet of my having to leave in the near future from the management, and juggling work that's not part of my scope (but I have to do, because I have nothing else assigned to me >.<"). Hence, the lack of postings in all my blogs. *sigh*Apologies to all my readers (if any =P). I'll be back posting loads very soon...I hope!

Having been to about 5-6 interviews now, there's something 'weird' that I've noticed about the Human Resource people. If the supervisor who interviewed you is keen on taking you in for the position, they would pass on the necessary documents to HR and they will subsequently do all the calling, offer letters, discussions about salary packages, etc. Fair enough, but wait! Why is it that when the HR people DO call, they MUST get an answer, like on-the-spot?? So far, I think I've been offered positions in 3 different companies, and they all go about the same way:

HR: *talking really fast, like as if he/she is rushing for something and has no time to talk* Hi Audrey, we're pleased to inform you that you have been offered a position in [insert company's name]. Your position is [insert job designation], and we are offering you a salary package of [insert necessary details about salary, bonuses, leaves, etc etc]. So, do you accept??

Me: *taken aback from the sudden influx of information to digest* Errrr....okayyyy. That sounds good, but would it be possible for me to take some time to think about it? I need time to digest the information given to me.

HR: *is now either quite impatient or speaks in an even more chipper voice* much time do you need? Can I call you TOMORROW??!!

Me: *even more flabbergasted*

Here's the thing with me...I apply for jobs to not just one company alone, but also to many other companies just to see where I can get with it (as I'm sure most job seekers do). Most of the time, they give me a call to set up an interview with them. The catch is, these interviews more often than not fall about the same week or so. And so, here comes the dilemma: Either to just accept the job that was offered to me and let go of the other opportunities that MIGHT be very cool prospects, OR turn down the job position and try to nab the other jobs, throwing away also what MIGHT be a cool prospect.

Yes, I know working is like taking a gamble. There's no way to know if the company is good or not until you've actually stepped in and worked in it. But then, I'd also like to have time to weigh my options and see which company I'd like to go, instead of just turning down and waiting for the next one. And yet, all the companies that offer me a place seem to be so rushed. One even wanted to buy me out from my current company so that they don't have to wait so long. Flattering as it may be, as a good friend said: "It's either they have been looking for someone like you for a long time; OR they have so much shit going on in that department that they need someone to clean it up pronto". >.<"

I do understand though that for HR to offer me a place needs time and effort, but a job is also important for the worker! Can't they be given at least a few DAYS to work out if they should go for it. After all, we spend SO much time at the workplace (at least I feel I do), so proper planning needs to be done. I'd actually like to finish all the other interviews scheduled for that week and then see which would suit me (financially and interest-wise).

But no...I have been getting the same thing over and over: "We can't wait. So tell me your decision now!" -_____-" As I'm still with my current company, you would know what my answer is by now right? 

Job-hunting sucks.


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