Cacophony of Thoughts...  

Posted by: Audrey in

...and yet when I sit and try to write, they seem to disappear leaving me blank. LOL! Let me see if I can put them up properly.

Top of my head right now is the fact that I'm working a part-time job after working hours...LOL! Don't know why I applied for the job in the first place...guess it was the 'attractive' salary of said job. The ad reads 'up to a maximum of RM3k for 8 days worth of work'. Sounds kinda too good to be true right? It IS! Let's start from the beginning...a friend had told me about the ad on Facebook (the person advertising it is from a recruitment agency). Curiosity got the best of me, as they only wanted people with a good command of English...I PM-ed the lady and she told me that it's a 'data cleansing' job, in the sense that they would require the data cleansers to call people / companies from a list and confirm some contact information. For every info that we obtain, there will be a certain amount paid on top of a fixed hourly rate. Sounds simple enough I figured...I sent in my resume and they told me I was selected. YAYY! I was asked to start the following day (Tuesday).

At first I figured that the salary was high because of the working hours (9pm - 6am!!! Yes, I thought I could be Superwoman for 8's ONLY 8 days right? *rolls eyes*), but it wasn't as simple as that...*sigh* For one, I was told the working hours had been slashed to only 9pm - 3am. On the one hand, I get more sleep! But less money. Pfft. Two, the numbers we are supposed to call were not all available and we had to Google for them online...WTF! And their definition of getting a cleanse was to get at least 2 contact persons for each company (unless the company has only one point of contact for the department). Pfft! It's lucky that the supervisor was nice enough and said that if we had to look up the phone numbers ourselves, that phone number is considered a cleanse as well, so that helped me a little. Didn't like making phone calls, even though I had a script to assist me on getting those contacts. But it was sometimes quite fun to talk to different people in the US / Canada. Some of them are VERY nice, some are super weird, and there are some that are so hostile that they would almost scream at you just because you were looking for an email address and they refuse to give it to you. Got out of the wrong side of the bed much??!

Anyhoots, today is only my third day, and I'm starting to feel the effects...reaching home at about 4am to grab a few Zzz's till 7am; wake up, shower, grab a quick breakfast and maybe pack snacks to rush to the office and start my 9am - 5.30pm job; rush home by which time will be almost 7pm, sneak a half an hour nap before waking to shower and dress before heading for this job. Yeah, what the heck was I thinking right? Believe me, I felt cheated more than once when I saw what the real work was about....bleh. But I'd already said I would come so might as well finish what I started right? One more day to go before the weekends so I can SLEEEEEEEEP (how I miss my bed) so I'm hanging on to that thought =) *yawns* Note to self: Never believe such attractive job pulls....they're kinda bullcrap.

On my health, I haven't been able to get to the gym the past 3 days *sob* I feel kinda weird right now that I'm not doing much exercise...and to make it worse, staying up late makes me HUNGRY. *sigh* My diet is screwed. But I do try to pack some veggies and fruits whenever I can, so even if I snack I don't eat too much of junk food and what not. Ah yes, I'm keeping my own food journal really helps to list down what I eat and look back at the choices I made. I used to think this was really silly, but when I actually had to do it I realized that it does have a good impact on the food choices we make! And I tried an RPM class on Monday! Super super fun, but very challenging on my legs and stamina...I have no semblance of a stamina. LOL! Give me resistance exercises and I will push through them...but those that involves stamina always kills me. Haha! Guess I will need to practise more on that. The instructor was really nice when he found out it was my first class...quite an enjoyable class =) Will hopefully be going regularly once I get this part-time job thingy out of the way. *crosses fingers* head is really blank and blur at the moment. Must be the lack of sleep and I'm idling on my desktop here right now, waiting for my next list of people to call. Will update more when my head's clearer...*yawns*


Eh they change the working hours from 9pm-3am means less money? How are you doing so far? Can tahan ar? Hang in there, very soon going to finish d ;)

Yeah...they shortened the time, coz apparently most of the people in the US / Canada won't be in already after 3pm, so no point staying until so late. Which also means less money lo...but meh, I think it's ok la for now. Just want to get it over with so I can go back to normal hours. This job is not really all it was cut out to be...sometimes feel like a telemarketer calling the companies. :\

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